Vaginitis is among the most common conditions for which women seek medical care. Common infectious forms of vaginitis include Trichomoniasis, Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) and Vaginal Yeast Infection. About 75% of women will have a Vaginal Yeast Infection during their life time and 35% of all adult woman will have a recurrent Yeast Infection.
The symptoms of Yeast Infection are non-specific and can be very similar to those of other vaginal infections therefore self – diagnosis based on clinical symptoms is incorrect in more than 50% of cases.
Since the treatment of Yeast infection is different from that of Trichomonas and BV, it is important to get a reliable diagnosis and thereby receive the correct treatment
- Results obtained within 10 minutes
- One step novel device designed for non-professional users
- High accuracy
- CE approved for self-testing
- Reduces misuse of antifungal treatment
- Faster recovery
Cat# 42013